The first episode post John Dutton's death. So now what?

Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 10 - The Apocalypse of Change
We're back in Texas (or starting in Texas pre-John's death), and the teepees look like an awful time.
It open's up with Teeter coming close to near death with a rattlesnake. The campsite needs to be moved, the horse gets bit by one, is this foreshadowing impending death?
We then see Beth and her badass Bentley. She get's pulled over, she tries to sex-appeal her way out, turns out it's a lady copy. After getting away with no ticket, the cop mentions the importance of cowboys and farmers. Interesting.
It's also the first time the 6666's is hyped up to her and importance of cattle-country. I truly believe it will be the next spin-off series.
We then flash to Kayce's family building their new home. It's a nice family moment, which for some reason is very unsettling. They have all suffered enough, they deserve this.
This is where it hit me that we were in a flashback, they didn't do a great job mentioning that to start. Beth is back with Rip, there is lightness to the scene, the bunkhouse crew shouldn't have been separated - this is the positivity we need.
Beth gets Rip to loosen the reigns and heads off to town for a night off. Rip puts Ryan in charge. Is this a tease of what's to come?
The hotel scenes were very well put together. You forget Rip has never left Montana-area, especially because his brand happened at such a young age, and the naiveness of Beth thinking otherwise. The bar scene showcasing how big the 6666's are with their brand on everything, and potentially showing us what their future will be with Beth hinting at leaving the Ranch.
*** Side Note: I've mentioned it before, but I love all of the commercials and how they tie to the show and actors. It makes the breaks go by much faster.
*** Side-Side Note: I think Landman looks awesome. Definitely my next watch.
Back to present day now. I felt like there was no time to mourn. Llyod has no clue what's to come, Chubby is down in the dumps, and oh yeah, Summer is still here.
So John was trapping Summer by saying she was on house arrest but she was actually released all of this time? Wild. Why is she so helpless?
The scene between Rip and Chubby was great, very fatherly and reassuring.
Same goes for Kayce and Tate. Nicely done. Will they keep the Y alive?
Then we get the first of many blowups between Jamie and Beth. I can't wait to see how this "rivarly" ends. I also can't wait to watch the demise of Sarah, and I hope Beth is the one to do it.
Beth confirms her suspicions, and Kayce calls in support from his former military friend. Things are about to get wild.
If Jamie becomes Governor... His conversations with Market Equities too, he is moving so fast, it's really hard to show any empathy. Also, having sex in his government office with Sarah, is there no decorum?
Summer was getting way too flirty with Rip, Beth would rip her head off.
The closing scene with Ryan and the Crew. My prediction? Beth and Rip ride off in the sunset. Kayce, Tate, and Lloyd maintain the ranch, and Ryan and the Bunkhouse crew are part of the 6666's spinoff. What does Taylor Sheridan have cooking?