What a timeless classic. This account dropped a throwback video of Providence College students getting ready for the Final Four and I loved every second of it. Rick Pitino created excitement in the city, and I could only imagine the buzz on campus when this was being recorded. I geek when these types of videos get posted online. I am such a novelist and I wish I grew up during this time. College in the 80's must have been a wild time. It looked like the movies, and seemed like a continuous Spring Break. Everyone is sunbathing on the lawn in March. I am just extremely jealous writing this blog in my mid-twenties post college life.
What's cool about this clip is that the video just kept getting better. First off, everyone had pets. This one guy had a crocodile on a leash, in Rhode Island nonetheless?!

Then we got Tammy and Tommy overhear. Both of their respective others got tickets to the game, and they are just sitting oddly close, pretty much admitting that we have a good old fashion wife swap that's about to occur.

3 girls, one Chad. One's up for the boys. This guy fucks. He definitely landed a sweet gig in Boston after graduation and reminds his kids about his glory days. I can guarantee his son is a Sophomore at PC right now.

We have a young Uncle Rico, slinging merch on the front lawn. The 80's mustache was pristine on this chap and that's first class entrepreneurship at it's finest. He drops some betting tidbits. Obviously some Atwells Ave bookie and not DraftKings, but I love it. Could definitely see him and his buddies saying "If the Friars upset Cuse, man, we are about to make this biggest t-shirt business in all the land." Would love to see this guy, today.

It would have been absolutely perfect if Doris Burke made a cameo in this. I can't wait to recreate this in a couple years when Kim English leads the Friars to the promise land.