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Two Doses of Market News in One day? That is Correct!
Well, you couldn’t get enough of me. “Two times in one day?” Yes, that is correct, but for very good reasoning. As I finalized my daily...
Shane Zimmer
Dec 10, 20202 min read

The Close: Airbnb Soars on IPO Day
While the Dow and S&P finished lower than yesterday, the NASDAQ pushed ahead in the green due to a gain by Apple and Netflix. Why has the...
Shane Zimmer
Dec 10, 20202 min read

The Close: Markets Retreat Due to Big Tech Sell Off.
On a day filled with gloomy weather, and a bit of snow mixed in, the markets certainly felt the effects. Big tech saw a massive sell off...
Shane Zimmer
Dec 9, 20202 min read

The Close: Stocks Rally at Close on Vaccine News
Did you really believe this market would have two losing days in a row? Think again. I’d like to think of the current state of the NYSE...
Shane Zimmer
Dec 8, 20202 min read
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